Boys’ golf seized a third win in its fifth preseason match against La Salle, on Thursday, March 16. The team concluded the match with a score of 205-209 on the Almansor Golf Course.
Sophomore Josh Ramos led the team with 36, within the range of his usual stroke count. Senior Matthew Wright came in second with a 40, followed closely by senior Elliott Lee and sophomore Jason Gomez both with 42. Next came senior Andrew Son who brought in a score 45. Sophomore Giuliano Fusco closed out the match with a 52.
This narrow victory shows consistent improvement on South Pas’ part, bringing its record to a tied 3-3. The team has already improved its 2-10 overall record from last season. With low score counts like 205, the Tigers show promise for upcoming league matches.
“I feel very accomplished with Thursday’s game. We beat a team that we have never beat before,” Lee said. “For the upcoming game, I know it’s going to be a tough match, but I am confident that we are going to give it our all.”
The Tigers are preparing this week to play their first league match on Thursday, March 23, against La Cañada.