Staff 2023–24


Hanna Bae
Finally the head honcho, senior Hanna Bae (she/her) is ecstatic for her third and final year on Tiger as Editor in Chief, heading the most talented, most opinionated, and least liked group on campus. When she’s not terrorizing staff writers, Hanna can be found listening to Ghost, looking for ghosts, or ghosting someone.
Benjamin Regan
Junior Benjamin Regan is hyped to start his third year on Tiger as the Online Managing Editor. When he’s not posting on or on the Tiger newspaper Instagram, you can find Regan in the gym, on the baseball field, or in the classroom.
Ellie Nakamura
Having been launched to the top in a flurry of rat birds and spaghetti, senior Ellie (Elyssa) Nakamura (she/her) is filled with joy to organize the section with the most papercut casualties as Print Managing Editor. When she’s not marveling in the smell of fresh ink and squashing staff/tables, Ellie is.
Raluca Tudusciuc
Senior Raluca Tudusciuc (she/her) is excited for her last year on Tiger as a Copy Editor, in which she hopes deadline ping pong will make a comeback.
Clementine Evans
After paying her dues in news and sports beats last year, sophomore Clementine Evans returns for a second year on Tiger as a Copy Editor. When she isn’t pulling her hair out over commas and periods outside of quotes, she can be found meandering aisles of bookstores, pole vaulting, and napping every chance she gets.
Linda Yun 
Free of writer’s block and game coverages, junior Linda Yun (she/her) is pumped to return for a second year on Tiger, hijacking campus politics as Opinion Editor.
Morgan Sun
Sick of writing sports beats, junior Morgan Sun (she/her) is delighted to be Feature Editor in her second year on Tiger, and thrilled to lead a new lineup of writers to reporter glory. When not obsessively following her fandoms, she can be found cooking up a scheme to finish her homework or persuading fellow staff that feature is the best section.
Ethan Kwak
Sophomore Ethan Kwak has no words to express his excitement for his second year on Tiger as the News Editor. When he isn’t staring into blank space and scribbling in one of his many unfinished notebooks, Ethan can be found playing guitar, listening to the Silver Jews, or teleporting to his room with stacks of books in hand.
Rose Vandevelde
Writing this in tears because the sports section is so underrated, sophomore Rose Vandevelde (she/her) is super excited to be this year’s Sports Editor. When her life is not being actively consumed by sports, you can find her spending her spare seconds procrastinating, thinking about all the procrastination she has to do while watching various Netflix shows, and drinking as many highly sugared, caffeinated drinks as possible.
Emiko Essmiller
In the short periods of time between crying over homework, forcing herself to leave her room to take photos, or complaining about literally anything, sophomore Emiko Essmiller (she/her) is overjoyed to spend her second year on staff as both a Design Editor and a staff photographer. She can’t wait to lead a new team of incredibly talented individuals, and enjoy the short year left with her graduating senior friends.
Samantha Shiroishi
Senior Samantha Shiroishi (she/her) is extremely excited to begin her third and final year on Tiger as the Photo Editor. When she is not running around with her camera, she can be found indulging in carbs of all forms (mainly bread).
Isole Kim 
Junior Isole Kim (she/her) is excited for her third year on Tiger as a Design Editor and looks forward to working with the fresh crop of talented illustrators.
Ada Borredon
Sophomore Ada Borredon (she/her) can’t wait to get started for her second year on Tiger as the Business and Ads manager.

Staff Writers 

Sonya Shimpock
Sophomore Sonya Shimpock (she/her) is really excited for her first year on Tiger as a writer. When she’s not unnecessarily stressing herself out, she can be found paying an outrageous amount of money for an iced coffee she’s only going to drink half of.
Zoe Chen  Freshman Zoe Chen (she/her) is thrilled to be joining Tiger as both a staff writer and staff photographer, a change from her usual rituals of mindless activity.
Claire Mao
Freshman Claire Mao (she/her) is excited to be a staff writer in Tiger in her first year of high school. Always wanting to join Tiger, she is excited to work with everyone and meet new people. She hopes this year will be a year she’ll never forget.
Abigail Kim
Freshman Abigail Kim (she/her) is extremely excited to join Tiger as a staff writer! In her free time, she can probably be found crocheting various animals or submerging herself into freezing pools.


Shin-Hye (Rachel) Choi
Senior Shin-Hye (Rachel) Choi is ready for her second and last year as a photographer on Tiger.  She is excited to share her techniques with the other photographers, but also wants to acquire more skills and relationships.  When Rachel’s not on duty taking photos, she can be found at home, playing Township or watching YouTube shorts.
Sunhye (Sunny) Choi
Freshman Sunny (Sunhye) Choi (she/her) is excited to start her first year in Tiger. She can’t wait to meet all of the older and skilled photographers and illustrators. When she’s not busy finishing assignments, she can be found all around South Pasadena with some friends.
Kaitlyn Lee                       
Junior Kaitlyn Lee (she/her) is
ready for her first year as a
photographer on Tiger and is
thrilled to work with the rest of
the staff. When she’s not taking
photos, she has an obsession for
cats and loves to bake.

Page Designers

Sophie Mertzel
Ready to finally put their Adobe obsession to good use, Senior Sophie Mertzel (they/them) is excited to start their first year on Tiger as a page designer. When they are not desperately avoiding their future, Sophie can be found talking to cats, listening to copious hours of the same podcast, or attempting to cause mischief (often simultaneously).
Olivia Chin Sophomore Olivia Chin (she/her) is happy to be joining the Tiger staff as part of the Page Design team. Apart from her time spent traversing through the features of Adobe InDesign, she enjoys watercolor painting, running, and spending time with friends.
Solana Singer 
Sophomore Solana Singer (she/they) is actually so excited for her first year on Tiger as a staff writer and page designer. When she’s not losing at text message chess, she can be found leveling her hearing with math rock and eating blackberries by the carton.


Heejoon Lee Heejoon Lee (Hējoon-Lē) n. [이희준] (he/him)  is the birth name of a new illustrator in Tiger, born in a hospital at Bundang-gu, South Korea, on Tuesday, October 3, 2006, around 1 PM. Heejoon has been alive for more than 145,000 hours, but still finds it hard to believe that he is now a senior in high school. If given a superpower, he would like to oscillate his form between a brainless human and a thoughtful Jellyfish. •Synonyms Joon  June  John  Joonbug  Joonathon

Business Manger 

Kate Liu Senior Kate Liu is ecstatic for her first year as Business and Ads Manager on Tiger. She’s excited to work with everyone and build a great newspaper. When she’s not listening to music and daydreaming, she’s definitely sleeping.

Isabelle Wong
Senior Isabelle Wong (she/her) is excited to join Tiger as an illustrator for her final year of high school. She’s looking forward to exchanging art tips with her fellow illustrators and getting to know everyone. When not mysteriously unavailable, you can likely find her drawing or panicking over something seemingly arbitrary.
