Woman killed in train collision by possible suicide on Monterey Road

Photos and Story by Brandon Yung
Online Managing Editor

A woman was fatally struck by a southbound metro gold line train in South Pasadena this morning. The incident is being assessed as a possible suicide by authorities and witnesses of the incident.

The fatal collision occurred around 7:30 a.m. while surrounding streets were relatively empty. According to the metro operator, the woman jumped onto the tracks, not allowing the train’s brakes enough time to avoid impact. Traffic and Metro gold line trains around the intersection of Monterey Road and Pasadena Avenue were stopped for several hours to recover evidence.The corpse was recovered from the train’s undercarriage.

“The body was pretty badly beaten up,” said South Pasadena Watch Commander, Corporal Craig Phillips.

Phillips cites witness statements that point to a suicide on behalf of the woman, a 35 to 50-year-old Caucasian or light-skinned Hispanic person. Phillips added that the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office will identify the victim before the end of the week.

Normal train service and traffic were restored by noon today.

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