Story by Kahlen Miao
Staff Writer
Photo by Ella Jayasekera
Photography Editor
SPHS principal Janet Anderson announced distance learning guidelines and additional information for the upcoming school year in an email sent out Monday, Aug. 10.
Students will learn their schedules on Wednesday, Aug. 12 via the Aeries portal, and technology support and teacher instruction on how to access digital classrooms will also be available the same day. The incoming ninth grade class and new students will also receive an ASB orientation film on Aug. 12.
School will start at 8:30 a.m. with 80 minute block periods and teachers are mandated to hold live instruction for 50 percent of that time. Attendance during synchronous periods will be taken daily, and if a student is unable to attend they should contact the attendance clerk as they would during in-person school.
SPHS plans to distribute textbooks in a drive-through on Wednesday, Aug. 19 and Thursday, Aug. 20.