SPHS and SPMS choirs join together for annual winter concert

Story by Ethan Kwak
Staff Writer

Photos by  Emiko (Emi) Essmiller
Staff Photographer 

SPMS and SPHS choruses performed together for the annual Winter Choir Concert, at the SPMS auditorium on Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. A bake sale organized by the music booster club also raised funds for the program.

The concert, conducted by SPHS and SPMS choir director Wylder Reinman, showcased a variety of talents, voices, and musical repertoire. The diversity of music ranged from the traditional folk harmonies of “Bring Me Little Water Silvy” arranged by Moira Smiley, to contemporary tracks such as “Three Quotes by Mark Twain” by Andrea Ramsey, both sung by SPMS Beginning and Advanced Choir.

SPHS acapella group Chordially Yours performed a rendition of “Water Under the Bridge” by Adele and arranged by junior Vivian Yu. SPHS Treble and Advanced Choir sang “For The Beauty of the Earth” by John Rutter, and juniors CC Chang and Yu also delivered a duet of “That’s Christmas To Me” by Pentatonix. 

The concert closed with SPHS Choir and Advanced Choir singing “Storm is Passing Over,” by gospel music composer Charles Tindley. 

“I think choir is the perfect example of unity and community, presenting songs in harmony, and showcasing what it’s like to be in sync with each other,” Reinman said. “I thought they sang beautifully, and I loved seeing the middle schoolers work with the high schoolers. I’m really proud of all of them.”

The SPHS and SPMS choir will return for the annual Spring Concert in the second semester. 

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