South Pas’ Summer Arts Crawl animates Mission Street with local art and business

Story by Sofia Alva
Staff Writer

Photos by Oscar Walsh
Photo Editor

Residents gathered on Mission Street for the South Pasadena and SPACE Summer Arts Crawl Saturday, July 20, to celebrate the artistic works of local businesses and artists. The free “Neighborhood Night-on-the-Town” also featured live music, food, and shopping. 

Businesses and organizations in the business district of South Pasadena hosted a variety of fun, family-friendly events throughout the evening. The SPARC Gallery at the South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce held a group show called “Textiles Today: Exploring New Possibilities,” featuring artists Victoria Arrirola, Melanie Ciccone, Val Echavarria, Lillian Montalvo, and Cynthia Thiel. Next door local favorite, Hotbox Vintage, presented a night of outdoor games and crafts like giant jenga and the making of hanging tag decorations.

The Dinosaur Farm and Kidd’s Jewelry Heist hosted “The Kids Are Alright,” a live music event with performances by singers and songwriters under the age of 21. Former SPHS students Charlie Hickey and Sophie Reynolds, Jacklen Ro, and Vivienne Norris were among the artists who performed.

Located next to the Metro Gold Line Station and the Walking Man sculpture, Artisans’ Alley showcased handmade jewelry and accessories, ceramics, soaps and more from local businesses and vendors. Restaurants like Briganti, Mike and Anne’s, The Munch Company, ARO Latin, Griffins of Kinsale, and Rhadika Modern Indian offered special deals in lieu of the event. To satisfy a sweet tooth, popular spots like Menchies, Teamorrow, Jones Coffee, and Simplee Boba were open for business as well. 

“The wide selection of jewelry and crafts was fun. I also really enjoyed the young, talented artists who performed, ” South Pasadena parent and SPUSD employee Nancy Zuckerman said. 

The Chamber of Commerce plans to continue the quarterly event with the South Pasadena Fall Arts Crawl set to occur in the coming months.

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