Multicultural Fair hosted at South Pasadena Library

Story by Gavin Bartolome
Staff Writer

Photos by Helena Easterby
Staff Videographer

SPHS’s Asian Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) and the South Pasadena City Council hosted the Multicultural Fair on Saturday, Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. through 3 p.m. The event brought the community together to celebrate cultures around the world. The fair was divided into two sections between Oxley Street and El Centro Street, with a line of food trucks, each bringing a different culture, set up on the side. 

The front of the library had inflatable mini games such as basketball and ax and dart throwing. Stands featuring various aspects of the world were presented. One stand taught kids how to play dreidel, a common game played during Hanukkah. Another had visitors place a pin on a map showcasing where the cultures they represented came from. 

“I think just having this multicultural, diverse presence, to me, is a great thing in a little town like ours,” a South Pasadena resident said.

Stage performers presented dances from across cultures with energetic music and vibrant, unique outfits on El Centro Street. Folklor La Morenita brought samba, a lively Afro-Brazilian dance, to the stage with large, feathery dresses with dazzling colors. Another group, the Mahana Dance Company, introduced hula, a Hawaiian style of dancing with slow, graceful movements to a calming rhythm. The performers’ outfits were floral with bright pink flowers and rich green leaves.

Staff members worked around the event, helping to ensure safety and enjoyment. At times, they managed childrens’ games or operated the stands along with other culture groups, including the South Pasadena Chinese-American Club (SPCC). 

Among the staff were a handful of SPHS students who had discovered the volunteering opportunity through the Tiger Bulletin or through outside clubs or organizations such as South Bay Center for Counseling (SBCC). A staff member said that the fair was an amazing experience for themselves and their culture.

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