Classic cars go ‘Cruz’n for Roses’ in thirteenth SPTOR event

Co-written by Sammy Park
Senior Staff Writer

and Ben Clark
Staff Writer

Photos by Thomas Forman
Photography Editor

and Dillon Bullock
Contributing Photographer

Bright red Chevelles and custom hot-rods lined the streets of downtown South Pasadena for the annual Cruz’n for Roses Hot Rod & Classic Car show Sunday, September 17. People crowded the streets to see the hundreds of restored automobiles as well as the unveiled 2018 Tournament of Roses float design.

The Cruz’n for Roses Car Show has been a South Pasadena tradition for 13 years. Each $30 entry fee goes towards the town’s Rose Parade float. Car owners also had the chance to gain one of a number of awards that are annually handed out to the best cars in the show. These awards included the “Best of Show,” “Cruz’n Award,” “Classiest Ride,” and “Mayor’s Award.”

Several cars were designed to resemble notable movie vehicles including Bumblebee from the Transformers series and KITT from Knight Rider. Vendors served shaved ice and Jamba Juice on the side of the street and music played over the loudspeakers to ensure that guests and car-owners alike enjoyed themselves.

Each custom-made car displayed a detailed exterior and interior.

South Pasadena’s Police and Fire Departments also held their annual Open House in conjunction with the show. Both departments exhibited several demonstrations, including extinguishing fire and four helicopter landings.

Proceeds from the event will contribute to developments for the South Pasadena Tournament of Roses’ float, Booster Club.

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