SPHS emphasizes pedestrian safety with annual L.A. Metro assembly

Photo by Alicia Alderete
Photo Editor

SPHS hosted its second annual rail and safety assembly in partnership with the L.A. Metro on Thursday, Oct. 10. The short ten-minute presentation covered the safety protocols that students should know as pedestrians and Metro riders.

Senior Community Relations Officer Mark Arroyo presented a slideshow informing the student audience on things to be aware of when around Metro stations or train crossings. Arroyo further emphasized the importance of safety with short animated skits of pedestrians near the Metro station in “Safetyville,” who were severely injured by incoming trains due to ignorance of their surroundings and safety precautions.

The safety presentation enables SPHS to be apart of L.A. Metro’s Student Field Trip Program, which provides free metro trips and TAP cards for classes who apply for a field trip off-campus.

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