The known and unknown streets of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is vastly different from Los Angeles, yet similar in ways that global metropolises cannot differ. From a foreigner perspective, this photo essay portrays a tour led by locals through the streets of Hong Kong.

Story & Photos by Zoe Chen
Sports Editor & Staff Photographer

Now for the cliche ending: Hong Kong is a large city. What differentiates it from any other large city are the small side streets that offer a look past the modern façade into the region’s dense history. Even now as recent memories fade, it is the blend of old and new that I will keep most in mind — the 20-foot tall “luminous eggs” art display floating in the thousand-year-old harbor; the traditional jade pendants etched with modern lingo (e.g. “slay the day”); and the rickety bamboo stall that prominently displayed orange rubber dress-up masks of a certain American politician.

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