By Tiger Staff
SPHS was placed on lockdown at approximately 11:30 this morning, due to an unspecified e-mail threat. Principal Janet Anderson informed the staff that the anonymous threat was received Thursday night through the high school website. Upon receiving the e-mail, Anderson contacted SPPD Chief Art Miller and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Geoff Yantz.
The police determined the e-mail was credible enough to take precautionary measures. As a result, the campus was put on a soft lockdown near the end of third period. Teachers were instructed to continue with their classes, but students were not allowed to leave. District and high school administrators visited classrooms to check on students’ wellbeing and parents were contacted about the lockdown.
Once the police decided that the threat had passed, students were dismissed by building to Diamond Avenue at 12:45 to awaiting parents.
“It is not believed that there was an imminent problem for students or staff, but we definitely want to do our due diligence in ensuring the safety of all. Thank you for your cooperation, understanding, and support,” Anderson said.