SPHS holds concussion workshop for fall athletes

Dr. Nancy J. Cohick hosted a concussion workshop at the South Pasadena High School auditorium for fall sport student-athletes on Tuesday, August 21, highlighting the lifelong dangers of brain injuries. Students were informed about the symptoms, recovery process, and long-term effects of concussions and urged to take the necessary steps to prevent permanent cerebral damage.

Sponsored by the Concussion Legacy Foundation education program, Cohick’s presentation emphasized that every concussion exhibits different symptoms. The Cal State LA speech therapist aimed to dispose of the “stay tough” mentality and suggested students seek help if they are experiencing any indications of a head injury.

“Speak up, don’t hide,” Dr. Cohick said. “Look out for your friends as well.”

Although many were reluctant to attend the workshop, students left the auditorium realizing the danger that brain injuries pose. A video was shown of former football player Gene Atkins who suffered from early stages of dementia in his 40s due to the multiple incidents of head trauma.

“Now I know that concussions are very easy to get…from [just] moving your head,” sophomore football player Jonathan Stride said. “I’m still going to play football my hardest, but I’ll tell someone if I feel like I have a concussion and not wait until it gets worse.”

Stride’s mindset is what Cohick wishes to instill into every student at SPHS. Cohick is slated to return to South Pasadena later in the year to facilitate another workshop and continue to aid student-athletes in the education of concussions.

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