SPHS celebrates the Class of 2018 in final graduation ceremony

Co-written by Alex Betts and Rachel Lu
Feature Editor and Online Managing Editor

Photos by Alicia Alderete
Photo Editor

Clad in black & white caps and gowns, the Class of 2018 commemorated four years of high school in a graduation ceremony on Tuesday, June 5. Seniors gathered on Roosevelt Field as a whole for one last time before departing to their respective universities and post-secondary plans.

Senior Michael Samudio began the ceremony with his rendition of the national anthem before senior class president Young Song welcomed the graduates — as well as their friends and families — in attendance. Several other honored guests were recognized including district leadership from SPUSD and the three elementary schools.

Seniors Kate Ba and Will Hoadley-Brill addressed the class’ time on SPHS, reflecting and expressing their wishes for the seniors’ futures. Ba spoke about the class embracing their next adventures while Hoadley-Brill spoke to how each graduate is venturing past the “bubble” of South Pasadena in their plans beyond SPHS.

In an hour-long ceremony, members of the Class of 2018 were recognized and reflected upon their efforts throughout high school. With a toss of their caps, the class strided off of the field to the class song, “Mr. Blue Skies.”

Before the seniors departed for the final time, senior class treasurer Kyle Woo presented the class gift: several new flags for the SPHS campus and fields as well as the new ‘Gold Ribbon School’ seal. With throws of their caps and wide grins, the Class of 2018 walked off to the Roosevelt Field.

The ceremony recognized each member of the graduating class in their achievements throughout the past four years. Attendees cheer as the seniors receive their diplomas.

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