Two South Pasadena High School seniors accused of planning to murder three staff members were released from wearing court-ordered ankle monitoring devices on Thursday, October 30.
A juvenile court judge in Alhambra ruled that the two students will be allowed to use the Internet to communicate with their lawyer and to complete homework assignments. Both students are currently being homeschooled. Their computer use will be monitored by the Los Angeles County Department of Probation.
According to South Pasadena Police Department Sergeant Mike Neff, restraining orders are still in place against both students, prohibiting them from being within 100 yards of any South Pasadena public school. They are, however, no longer confined to house arrest.
“The probation department continues to make recommendations to the judge,” Neff said. “They’re constantly monitoring the progress of each teen.”
The teens are scheduled to appear in court again on Thursday, November 13.