Photo by Andrés Oyaga
Staff Photographer
The Peer Mediators held their third annual Wellness Week, which featured a series of lunchtime activities that encouraged students to develop healthier mindsets regarding what they define as educational success, in the week of Dec. 3-7.
The Peer Mediators offered two activities during lunch each day, rather than one as they had in years past, so that they could accommodate a wider variety of students’ interests. The Mediators provided a combination of their normal stress relief workshop events such as finger painting and Yoga with Jaroch and also introduced new activities like an origami session and a tea party throughout the week.
The Mediators also distributed fun items such as stress balls and slime to help students manage their anxiety. All students were urged to take a step beyond maintaining their personal wellbeing and spread positivity to their stressed-out peers using a complement poster that allowed passersby to take or leave encouragements on sticky notes.
“We are conditioned to think that academics, and particularly finals, are the most important things, when really mental wellness is just as much a priority,” Peer Mediators Team Manager senior Clara Fouser said. “I was happy to see a lot of student participation… [and] I’d like to see Wellness Week become a part of school culture, even after I graduate.”
The Peer Mediators are currently planning another Wellness Week in the second semester. They will also continue hosting stress relief workshops during lunch and distributing their bimonthly self-care zines.