Written by Christine Mao
Staff Writer
Photo by Luke Quezada
Staff Photographer
Steady streams of parents flowed onto the South Pasadena High School campus Thursday, August 31 for its annual “Back to School Night.” Parents and guardians were given the chance to familiarize themselves with their students’ schedules and the SPHS campus.
The evening’s traditional assembly portion was canceled as a result of air conditioning difficulties and the extreme heat. Parents headed straight to classrooms, where teachers briefly went over their respective course outlines, goals, and expectations for the year.
The South Pasadena Boosters and PTSA set up tables in front of the counseling center since they were unable to give their presentations in the auditorium. Members of the Associated Student Body also led Hurricane Harvey donations at tables around campus for the nonprofit PortLight.
“Back to School night is a great opportunity for parents to come and see what their students are going to be learning in each class,” SPHS Principal Janet Anderson said, “They get to know the teachers and find out how to support their students through the course.”