By Luke Quezada
Staff Writer
Photo by Tucker Judkins
Online Managing Editor
The varsity girls’ golf team claimed yet another victory against La Salle high school Thursday, September 8, beating the Lancers 225-304 away at Brookside Golf Course. This improves upon the girls’ already impressive 4-0 record in preseason. This match continued the Tigers’ trend of dominating the competition.
Senior co-captain Caitlyn Yamashita and freshman Victoria Tsyviti lead the team with scores of 42 which was 7 strokes better than La Salle’s best golfer at 49.
Once again, the girls have proved that they are a force to be reckoned with. Winning their first three matches against Webb, Poly and La Cañada by 104, 20 and 74 strokes respectively, the Tigers are clearly dominant in their league.
“I think we did exceptional today and all played to our best potential. Brookside is a tricky course, so I’m really proud of how we performed under such circumstances.” Senior co-captain Emily Swanson said.
The girls’ next chance to extend their winning streak is on Tuesday, September 13th against Rowland High School at Royal Vista Country Club.