Story by Adam Kwoh
News Editor
The SPHS counselors announced the recipients for this year’s Book Awards on Monday, May 18, commending five juniors for their academic accomplishments and services to the school. Although the Book Awards are typically announced at the Farewell Assembly, due to the school closure the counselors posted a video to commemorate each winner.
Recipient Jolene Lee received the Wellesely Book Award, which is given to a female junior student who has shown devotion to scholarship and commitment to community life. Lee teaches younger students how to code as apart of the Next Generation Coding program and is president of one of the largest organizations on campus: SkillsUSA.
“I really enjoy giving back to the community and creating opportunities for other students to do the same, so I’m extremely grateful for all of the leadership positions I have in various clubs on campus,” Lee said.
Each award is donated by college alumnae individuals and groups. Recipients have the opportunity to get in contact with these groups to express their interest in the school.
All recipients received books for their respective awards via mail, each providing descriptions of the award and its titled college.
2019-2020 Book Award Recipients:
Harvard Book Award
Christine Mao
Dartmouth Book Award
Kimberly Hsueh
George Washington Book Award
Liam Markus
Smith Book Award
Madeleine Yoo