City solicits community input on 2021-2022 budget

Story by Sofia Alva
Associate News Editor

The City of South Pasadena has requested resident input regarding the 2021-2022 fiscal year budget through a survey released on Thursday, Apr. 15. Community members can submit their budget priorities up until Friday, Apr. 30, and the Finance Commission will review all responses in their drafting of the budget in May.

The survey will help the Finance Commission monetarily prioritize areas the community is passionate about, whether that be the environment, affordable housing, or transportation. 

“A community budget engagement program was developed by staff to facilitate a dialogue between residents and the City to better understand community priorities for future spending,” the City said in a press release.

Some community members have eagerly utilized this opportunity to influence how their city’s funds are spent.

“I feel it is important to fill out the survey because it is my civic duty,” resident Emily Schwartz said. “I hope that from my and other resident’s responses, the city can draft a budget that is representative of what their constituents really care about.”

The City has also created a digital community budget engagement program to educate residents about how municipal funding works, including an overview of city revenue sources and operating costs, in order to aid those who fill out the survey.

After reviewing the Finance Commission’s proposed budget, the City Council plans to adopt a final budget by June 30, 2021. 

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