ASB provides sweets for student athletes

By Ryan Nakamura

Staff Writer

SPHS students that participated in the 2014-2015 athletic seasons were given an ice cream ‘thank you’ on May 12 for representing the school.

Athletes of all levels and seasons lined up in front of the Tiger Patio to get their popsicle or ice cream sandwich in celebration of successful seasons.

“I think it [Sports Appreciation Day] is important because it shows the athletes that as a community we appreciate all the work they put into their sports,” Commissioner of Athletics Will Renken said.

Pep, Band, and Color Guard were also all given the opportunity to come down to the Patio and receive ice cream for their participation in school events such as assemblies, Color Day and competitions.

“As an athlete myself I always looked forward to getting the ice cream so it’s definitely nice to be able to give back to other fellow athletes,”  Renken added.
