Story by Adam Kwoh
News Editor
Photo by Oscar Walsh
Photo Editor
The L.A. County Department of Public Health confirmed 332 cases of coronavirus, as well as a new fifth case in the City of South Pasadena. Public Health to date has identified a total of 2136 cases and 37 deaths across all areas of L.A. County.
Public Health released its Mar. 28 news release, confirming six new deaths — five of which occurred in patients over the age of 60. To date, 21 percent of cases have been hospitalized due to coronavirus-related symptoms.
L.A. County and the City of South Pasadena’s response to the coronavirus outbreak has evolved exponentially since South Pasadena faced its first confirmed case on Mar. 16. The South Pasadena City Council issued a state of emergency and tenant protections at its Mar. 17, while L.A. County’s Public Health Department has closed down businesses and has ordered residents to self-quarantine.
“Our hearts and prayers go out to all the families and friends of individuals who have died. I ask that everyone please do your part to not infect others or become infected yourself by adhering to the public health directives and practicing social distancing,” Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said in a press release. “If we all commit ourselves to stay home, stay away from others when sick, and stay 6 feet apart when out, we will save lives.”
The Public Health’s Order banning gatherings and events as well as closure on unessential businesses will continue to last until Apr. 19.
This is an ongoing story. All local coronavirus updates can be found here.