Story by Cloe Maurer
Associate Feature Editor
Illustration by Emily Garcia
TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh will return for its fourth year on Saturday, Jan. 11, from 10 a.m to 12:30 p.m in the SPHS Little Theater. The event, hosted by the SPHS TEDx club, will feature eight student speeches under the theme “Wish It. Dream It. Do It.”
TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh is an independently organized TEDx event that aims to foster an environment where students and community members are encouraged to understand and appreciate different perspectives about topics that pertain to high school life.
This event will mark SPHS’ fourth TEDx Salon, with the Peer Mediators hosting the TEDx event in 2017 and 2018. TEDx student team leaders Ava Page, Teja Moe, Sophia Davidson and Rena Pau worked on organizing the 2020 TEDx event for nearly a year.
This year’s presentations highlight social issues ranging from student stress to the challenges of LGBTQ+ youth. Following each speaker’s presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in discussion.
Featured student speakers in the event include Ian Wang, Simon Pierce, Amber Chen, Emily Newhall, Jessica Lat, Mia Jung, Liam Markus, Ruby Sortino and Sam Clark.
“Our job is to try to bring important issues to light, and find ideas worth sharing in the city of South Pasadena. The event format allows for deeper understanding on topics that are crucial to our students and our culture,” English teacher and TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh organizer Diane Shires said in a press release. “Our student staff has been working hard to put together an event both relevant and thought provoking on issues of goals and redefining the idea of success.”
Tickets will be on sale for $5 in the Tiger Patio at lunch for the remainder of this week.