Story by Adam Kwoh
News Editor
Photo by Oscar Walsh
Photo Editor
SPUSD updated students and parents on the structure of its upcoming Independent Study Distance Learning Program (ISDLP) on Monday, Mar. 30. Teachers and students will be expected to complete work from home on a weekly basis using online services such as Google Classroom, Seesaw, and Class Dojo.
SPUSD released a guide outlining the basics of its new ISDLP program in an email to parents. Beginning on Apr. 6, students in grades 3 to 12 will recieve learning objectives, assignments, and information from their teachers every Monday at 10 a.m. All assignments will be due each Friday.
Teachers and counselors will be available for two hours of online office hours every day through email. Tech support will also be available throughout the week for each school.
The district has also implemented accomadations for students without computer or internet access, allowing students to checkout chromebooks for online use.
“We know that our students will be learning in new ways, our teachers will be teaching in new ways, and our families will be supporting their children in new ways,” Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Christiane Gervais said in an email to district parents. “We ask for your patience and understanding while we learn, adapt and grow in our new reality.”
The ISDLP program will officially launch on Monday, Apr. 6 and will currently last until May 5.