Story by Noah Kuhn
Associate News Editor
Photo by Oscar Walsh
Photo Editor
SPHS Principal Janet Anderson notified seniors of SPHS’ plans for traditional graduating activities during the year-long school closure and upcoming pick-up days for year-end memorabilia. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the school plans to implement precautions including social distancing and virtual meetups.
Seniors will be able to pick up any remaining belongings from the campus’ physical education, baseball and softball, or dance lockers on Wednesday, May 20. The process will follow a rigid social distancing procedure to ensure the safety of participants.
Caps and gowns distribution will be combined with seniors returning textbooks or uniforms. Seniors will also have the opportunity to pick up special gifts from the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). A drive-thru will be set up in the SPHS parking lot organized chronologically by last name. Anderson will also be sending out an email with a checklist on Tuesday, May 19.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health does not currently allow drive-thru graduations, so SPHS is working on a video ceremony to celebrate the class of 2020 to be held via YouTube on Wednesday, June 3.
Graduates will then be able to pick up their diplomas, senior awards, and additional items in a similar drive-thru fashion on Thursday, June 4. They will also have a second opportunity to return school supplies, and pick up yearbooks if they are ready.
Although many seniors faced disappointment at the original closure of school in March, Anderson hopes to help seniors adjust during the difficulty of quarantine.
“We are doing our best to make this important time, this rite of passage, meaningful in a world we could not have predicted a few short months ago” Anderson wrote.
The traditional Senior Awards Night ceremony will be held virtually this year with a set date to be released soon. Seniors are also requested to send photos of themselves to the SPHS ASB if they have not already.