Drama Department performs The Boy Friend

By Jake Swayze

Staff Writer

Photos by Jenny Luo

South Pasadena High School’s production of The Boy Friend opened on Friday, May 1, to a small and intimate audience. 20 cast members performed song and dance numbers, set to music provided by the SPHS Orchestra.


Written in the 1950s, The Boy Friend spoofs the 1920s view of marriage as the key to happiness. The musical follows the romantic misadventures of a group of girls at a French boarding school. The Boy Friend incorporated more choreography than past SPHS musical productions, with students performing popular dance styles from the 1920s.

“The show went really well. They had to do so much dancing, and singing and I really think they all were really right for their parts,” director Daniel Enright said. “I was really proud of them all.”


The cast had a proportionally large amount of underclassmen, with nine of the 20 members from the freshman class. Lead roles were played by sophomore Alana Carmona and freshman Dawson Galluzzi, in addition to drama department veterans senior Julia Primuth, senior Tru Pierone, and junior Abraham Szilagyi. The cast has been in rehearsals since early February.

“There were a lot of very supportive friends and family who came out to support,” Assistant Director senior Sylvana Gibson said.

The show, which was held in the SPHS auditorium, had two more performances on May 2 and May 3. The total cost of the production came out to approximately $20,000.

