Just past noon in the SPUSD District Board Room this Monday, the City of South Pasadena began its “Visionary Charrette” week, a public planning process to assist in updates to the General and Mission Street Specific Plans. The plans set South Pasadena’s goals for the city as well as Mission Street, touching on topics such as safety, culture, and conservation. The process is open to all South Pasadena and seeks to get feedback on the proposed updates to the plans, the first updates in 20 years.
Meetings will continue through this week at noon as well as at 7 today and 6:30 on Friday, where the outcomes of the charrette will be revealed in an open house. These outcomes will affect everything from building codes, development of parking and parks in the downtown SP area, to water availability, or the prevalence of city-wide events. Snacks are provided and feedback is much appreciated. More information regarding the process can be found here.
For additional coverage look to Tiger‘s next print edition which will be distributed on Tuesday, May 2.