Measure S approved, renewing parcel tax for SPUSD program funds

Photo by Thomas Forman
Photo Editor

South Pasadena residents voted to continue Measure S, a parcel tax that provides benefits for programs across South Pasadena Unified School District (SPUSD) Tuesday, February 27. The measure funds programs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), art, music, and drama, among other programs.

Residents and businesses throughout South Pasadena campaigned for 30 days to ensure the passage of the measure, which will help fund vital programs in schools. These include the musical and visual/performing arts as well as smaller class sizes, more counselors, computer aides, library services, and specialized instruction.

By renewing, South Pasadena residents will continue to see a rate of $386 per parcel for the next seven years, after which the measure will be up for renewal. The rate may be adjusted by up to 3 percent annually to account for inflation.

The parcel tax barely cleared in the introduction of Measure S in 2009, receiving a yes vote of 67.6 percent. When the district asked voters to approve the tax again in March of 2013, it passed again, but with a higher yes count, at 72.77 percent. With 86 percent of votes in on February 27, 2018, the tax already had a yes percentage of 79.38 percent. The minimum required percent of yes votes was 66.7, which residents outdid by over 10 percent.

Jon Primuth, the SPUSD Board President, expressed his and the school board’s gratitude in a release to the school district and respective school websites.

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