Lunchtime “Festivus” features music and giveaways

By Jordan Xiao

Copy Editor

Photos by Raj Jain

School administration hosted the 2015 Festivus at the English building quad during lunch on Thursday, April 30, celebrating the junior class’s participation in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)._MG_8455

Principal Ms Janet Anderson randomly drew names of juniors who participated in testing to receive gift cards ranging from five to 25 dollars each, for 200 dollars worth of giveaways in total. English teacher Ms Denise Gill served as disc jockey at the celebration.

_MG_8461Festivus is typically held at the Tiger Patio during lunch throughout testing week, but this year’s unusual testing schedule made it difficult to coordinate school-wide activities._MG_8465

“This year only the juniors tested, so we weren’t quite geared up for a big event, but we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to thank people for trying their best on these tests,” Anderson said. “We decided it was better to do it after the fact than not at all.”

Administration hopes to return to hosting Festivus at the Tiger Patio per tradition next year.
