Story by Adam Kwoh
News Editor
Photo by Oscar Walsh
Photo Editor
The L.A. Department of Public Health confirmed 25 new cases of coronavirus in the county on Monday, Mar. 16, with a new confirmed case in South Pasadena. This is the first confirmed case of coronavirus in South Pasadena since the state declared a state of emergency earlier this month.
According to L.A. County’s latest news release about the coronavirus, there are currently 94 lab confirmed cases in the county. Two of the cases confirmed on Mar. 16 have been hospitalized while 15 cases are linked to community transmission. However, 17 of L.A. County’s cases are pending further investigation.
The City of South Pasadena has implemented social distancing measures, closing multiple city facilities, but has not issued an Emergency Declaration. SPUSD extended all school spring breaks to Apr. 6.
This is an ongoing story. All local coronavirus updates can be found here.