First Academic Achievement Day celebrates beyond the GPA

Photo by Thomas Forman
Photography Editor

SPHS students were chosen by their teachers for representing desired qualities during the first Academic Achievement Day at SPHS on December 8, 2017. Commissioner of Academics Kate Ba hoped to recognize students who exemplify positive academic characteristics beyond traditional standards.

Ba created the event herself with suggestions and advice from ASB advisor Mr. Shotwell. Expanding the recognition of student at such a high achieving school beyond TAG Day and the SPEX assembly was a primary goal for Ba.

The event was formulated as a result of TAG day feedback requesting more recognition of qualities beyond grades and GPA. Qualities such as honesty, perseverance, and diligence were specified in nomination forms sent to all 4th period teachers. The chosen students were given ribbons displaying their names and the title of the event.

Sophomore Noel Tessier received a ribbon from 4th period teacher Ms. Laron for demonstrating exemplary academic qualities.

“It is cool to be noticed and appreciated,” Tessier said, “especially for something to do with character and effort rather than purely grades.”

In the future, Ba hopes the day will continue and a greater number of students will be recognized for their achievements.

“I think it went really well, especially for a first time event,” Ba said. “In the future, I hope [Academic Achievement Day] becomes even more established.”


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