By Andrew Gruhn
Staff Writer
Students enrolling in classes for the 2015-2016 school year will be the first in the history of SPHS to use electronic programming in place of filling out class selection forms by hand.
“We are excited to implement the new online programming course requests, and we feel that the process will be more efficient for both students and counselors,” assistant principal Ginger Merritt said.
Counselors will meet with students in their English classes in early February to discuss next year’s courses. They will also demonstrate how to use the Aeries Parent Portal to sign up for classes.
“I’m hoping that [online registration] will expedite the system and will open the doors of communication between parents, students, counselors, and teachers,” guidance counselor Tracy Ishimaru said.
This new system will be implemented to better streamline the course selection process. It assures that counselors and students have more time to discuss class choices, as opposed to just arranging schedules.
The new system will be run through the Aeries Parent Portal. This will allow access to parents and students to select courses from any Internet-enabled computer.
The process of submitting ‘skills mastery sheets’ will remain unchanged next semester. Students will still have to obtain a teacher and parent signature to enroll in honors or AP classes.
The registration period will begin in late February, but the exact date has not yet been announced. Student-counselor meetings will be held in early March.