Back to School Night a promising start to a brand new school year

By Olivia Chiu

Copy Editor

Parents filled the campus at SPHS on September 3 for the annual Back to School Night, where they got the chance to meet with teachers.Principal Janet Anderson began the evening at 6:30 p.m. with a short introduction in the auditorium, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by senior Kristen Kafkaloff, and the Star Spangled Banner, sung by junior Jayda Weeks.

Anderson went on to present the SPHS staff by department and other SPEF members. At 7:05 p.m., parents were dismissed to go to the classrooms, where teachers gave brief seven

minute overviews of their classes.

Anderson hopes that the good turnout of parents indicates a high level of partnership between the school and families in the coming academic year.
“It’s a good way to connect parents and teachers–not for individual conferences–but for an overall look at each class and for matching teachers’ faces to their names,” Anderson said.
