Calculus students hold annual tutoring fundraiser

By Olivia Nouriani

Staff Writer

Photos by Stephanie Kim


Calculus BC students hosted the seventh finals tutoring fundraiser on Friday, January 16.

Calculus teacher Ruth Moonesinghe has coordinated the event each year since 2010, and selected the Ebola crisis as this year’s recipient of the money raised.

“There’s always something that needs our help,” Moonesinghe said. “This year it was Ebola, and we knew that. It wasn’t difficult to choose Doctors Without Borders as our charity.”

Teachers created review packets for each level of math, which students purchased for $20. The purchase included tutoring and snacks throughout the three-hour event.    

Students receiving help found the event helpful and reassuring, and many did not hesitate to spend the $20 for the cause.

“It helped me prepare a lot, and it’s fun to be with your friends,” sophomore Kate Kutzer said. “It was definitely worth the money, especially knowing that it’s going to help people with and find a cure for Ebola.”

The students who ran the event also found the experience very rewarding.

“Just helping people in general, helping kids, was great,” junior Connor Dolan said. “Knowing that I could’ve helped students get those one or two extra problems on their finals is really rewarding, and being able to support Doctors Without Borders has been a very meaningful experience.”

The fundraiser is estimated to be the second most successful since the start of the tradition. Moonesinghe hopes to see the event continue long after her retirement, as it benefits all involved, especially the students who run the fundraiser.

“I hope a lot of my students take this experience with them,” Moonesinghe said. “When the Haiti earthquake happened, I kept asking them, ‘How can we help?’ And the kids came up with the idea of tutoring, and we got this huge event together at the last minute. These are really brilliant and genuine kids, and they can make a real difference.”

The total amount raised will be determined within the next few days, and the donation will be presented to Doctors Without Borders.


“There’s always a crisis,” Moonesinghe said. “We just take the opportunities to try and make an impact where we can.”
